Delfy Finance
3 min readMar 5, 2021

As we all know most and major presale platforms built for auction provide little or no incentives for presalers or value to their ecosystem aside from helping developers raise funds. The Delfy Launchpad smart contract offers presale on a different level featuring the first-of-its-kind smart functions on Binance Smart Chain and soon to come Ethereum Network, creating an advance and secure network for presale participants and as well ensuring a sustainable ecosystem for presalers to be in charge of the sales.

The Delfy Launchpad features :

  • 1% service fee charge with an easy to use user-interface
  • Sustainable liquidity for exchange
  • Presale security via “Case/Query Creation”

Economical Service Fee:

Compared to other platforms, Delfy Launchpad charges only a minute percentage of 1% of the total funds contributed as a service fee while also performing other functions to ensure a free and fair auction amongst contributors. Developers can specify the minimum and maximum amount they expect to be contributed by presalers, therefore giving room for various participants to participate in their various capacities on the Delfy Launchpad platform.

Sustainable Liquidity:

The Delfy smart contract ensures initial token liquidity is made available and viewable by presalers on the platform with the relative ROI ( Return on Investment) in place to be released with the token liquidity. This feature ensures presalers need not worry about liquidity provision as all projects interacting with the Delfy Launchpad smart contract have to ensure there is provision for initial liquidity to carry out an auction.

Smart Case Creation:

The Delfy Launchpad is a platform which has in mind the best intention for both presalers and developers such that developers can access funds for their project development, and presalers as well have the right to withhold access to liquidity release should it be found out that the developers are fraudulent or there is scam code in their contracts

There are two types of cases which can run simultaneously:

Release Liquidity Case & Refund Case

  1. Release Liquidity cases pass if the number of voters is greater than 40% of presale participants, provided they have a token balance greater than 0.1% of the total token sold on Delfy Launchpad platform and are willing to support the case with the required $3. To create this case type, you are required to have a token balance greater than or equal to 1% of the total token sold on the Launchpad and deposit the required $5.
  2. Refund Case gives presalers the opportunity to claim refunds should the contract have restrictions, found buggy or there’s an increase in the total supply of the token which the presalers are not aware of at the time of token sales. This case requires upvotes greater than or equal to 55% of the total contributor count to pass.

If a refund case passes before the next liquidity release the contract will hold the Ether or BNB balance, and refund the presalers according to their initial contribution including the amount deposited to create a case and support case.

If the case doesn’t pass, it will check if there is any active release Liquidity case that passes. If any, it will send to the exchange and if not it will release the funds to the developer.

If a refund case does not pass the contract makes decisions on where to send liquidity to, and no refund is processed if the refundable case is not passed. Passed Refund Case will totally pause all the release activity and refund the balance to the presalers.

To create this case type, you are required to have a token balance greater than or equal to 1% of the total token sold on the Launchpad and deposit the required $8, and to react to this case type, you must have a balance greater than or equal to 0.1% of the total token sold during the sales and deposit the required $4.

If two release liquidity cases pass, presalers can decide to burn the liquidity token obtained from dex. This will prevent the developer from accessing the funds in the future.

